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Not Every Month Starts on a Monday.

Posted by Sandy on Sep 16th 2013

Do you know what makes our Mark Your Calendar® Collection unique? Let's discuss!

Each piece is hand crafted for you when you order.

That's cool. Handmade rocks.

We don't use a generic "every month starts on a Monday" calendar.

Really? Why does that matter to me?

Glad you asked! If you were married on Saturday the 14th, your wedding date will be shown as a Saturday...not a Wednesday.

If your sweet baby is a Tuesday's Child (full of grace, according to the nursery rhyme), you don't want a Friday highlighted, do you?

No matter what special day you are celebrating or honoring, your Mark Your Calendar piece will look just as the month did that year.

Okay, that's really cool!

Now let's talk about Leap Year...if your February has a 29th day, so will your calendar jewelry.

Leaping lizards!

We stamp the year right along with the month.

That's great, but what if I don't want everyone to know I'm turning 60?

Since our Mark Your Calendar pieces are hand made for YOU, we can customize it the way you'd like it...year, no year, it's up to you. You look great, by the way.

Whether you want to commemorate a wedding, a birthday, sobriety, survival, graduation, your son's first baseball game (or World Series appearance!), or the day you landed that dream job, our Mark Your Calendar Collection has something for everyone and it will be truly personalized.

Nice chatting with you!